Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ahhh to feed a toddler....

So, you have a toddler and one day they LOVE something, the next day, Ewwww. Story of our life around here. A few months ago, this little princess could ear her weight in blueberries, one day without warning, "no berries mom". So I have been trying to make her food LOOK more interesting to her and it works! Let the trickery and creativity begin. I find that a few options are the way to go, I many time offer "leftovers" for lunch. That spoonful of veggies or pasta that would have gone to the disposal now finds it's way to a muffin pan. 6 little cups that can be filled with little goodies and fit right on a highchair like it was made for it. (Hint, I put a little silicone hot mat down to prevent sliding)

Today on the menu. Fruit snacks, gold fish, green beans, cheese sticks, peaches and pb & j cut out using a cookie cutter (mitten for the Christmas season). I do veggies and dip, assorted fruit, pasta, cookie, cottage cheese, hummus and pita the possibilities are endless. She likes all the variety and I have been cutting lots of things into shapes, which she loves. I had little mini flower cookie cutters and cut out cucumber flowers, big hit!

1 comment:

  1. Very creative Kristi. Very Creative. I love the idea. It can be so hard to get those little ones to eat.
