Monday, March 5, 2012

Lydia gets a NEW BED!!!

So while logging important hours on Pinterest I found a project and showed my husband, I say "Can you do this?" He said "Probably" and from that point on he has been hard at work making Lydia a new playhouse bed. This is what we came up with... Oh and Ana White is where we found our free plans!

Ground Zero, had to move Kaleb to Lydia's room and clear the room.Next comes the lavender paint. I love how this turned out. Then the walls move in, the hubs worked on this in the garage, I only blogged the assemby part, but I can tell you he logged a whole lot of hours on this thing. Putting it together, looking like a bed now.

Complete with lighting!!

A blank dresser needs to be jazzed up, so I added stripes and polka dots (my dad is a big fan of my need to mix patterns, I even threw in a flowered knob too)!

More finishing touches, a lovely anywhere chair with her name.....daddy loves that I put her name on everything!
Some pinterest artwork for the dressser.

Now the bedding, such a cute little steal from Kohl's...I am currently very obsessed with owl print!

Look at how CUTE this turned out. She is one lucky girl. I even got to sew some curtains for it, so I was happy too. I hope she has many hours of fun in here.


  1. oh get out of here!! This turned out fantastic! ....soon, very soon there are going to be "pinterest support centers" popping up... for those women that just couldn't hack it... couldn't make the magic happen no matter how many boards they filled with "coulda been" ideas..
    The rate of divorce.. even higher after ladies start shrugging off the men that couldn't rise to the standards of men like your Hubs.. (way to set the bar a little higher for
    I'm really only half kidding! .. Great Job.. I've got this SAME sort of bed idea re-pinned like 47 different ways on one of my boards.. I just need to modify for a 9 year old girl.. Is your Husband "for hire" in the bed-castle making department!?

    1. Angela~ You are so funny. He did a great job, unfortuanately he is not for hire, as I have many pinterest projects that will keep him WAY WAY busy!! But thanks for the nice words, I will not take credit for the divorce rate, but an intervention may need to happen, if you show up in my driveway without your camera I will get nervous ;)
