Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chicken Tacos

OK, It's been a while but I am making an effort to blog again. So we are all going to start back simple.This is a family favorite. CHICKEN TACOS. Now don't freak out....BUT I used a pressure cooker. I know, the one appliance that immediately makes everyone gasp. Alas, mine is new and it was easy peasy. I promise once you use it you will not only love it, but realize the old stories of blowing up pressure cookers are days gone by. I love mine and use it all the time. If you are still too scared this can be done in a crock pot the same way. The beauty of the pressure cooker is it cooks like a crock pot, but if you forget to plan ahead, you can fix it in a fraction of the time. However, I still yell "Stand back kids, I am starting the pressure cooker up, clear out"! It is more out of habit, my grandma Pat always yelled for us to stay away from it, so it is part of my DNA to say this.

Ingredients: Chicken breast 4 large or 6 small,
Onion, garlic, taco seasoning 2 pkgs
1 cup chicken stock or broth

Slice the onion and garlic, saute' until translucent 2 or 3 minutes

Add chicken and taco seasoning to the pan 

Stir this up good

           Add the chicken stock. Clearly I do not measure, but I am told to give measurements because it drives some of you nuts. Sorry, it's not intentional.

 This is where you clamp the lid down and cook, once the pressure cooker starts to whistle this takes 20 minutes. That's it. During that 20 minutes I chop the rest of the dinner, avocado, tomato, warm the shells etc. For the faint of heart, those who still won't commit....turn the crockpot on. And wait 6-8 hours!

 Once your pressure is down and the safely valve says it is safe to open, this is the untouched result. I use a potato masher and "shred" the chicken. Then your tasty dinner is served!

ENJOY! Feel free to email any questions or suggestions.

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